Stress Management


How to Create a Medical Binder and What It Should Include

Medical Binders are a useful tool to help you and your family stay on top of their healthcare needs. Preparing a medical binder allows you to keep everything you need to make an informed healthcare decision, in a centralized location. Additionally, being prepared helps you advocate for the healthcare needs of you and your family.  […]

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Spring Cleaning and Home Maintenance

Spring cleaning is an annual ritual that many perform—some more enthusiastically than others—to clear out the winter debris and achieve a more comfortable environment for everyone in our households. But performing spring cleaning and annual home maintenance tasks isn’t only good for our homes. According to medical science, it’s actually good for our mental and […]

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Ending 2020 With a Positive Mindset

Our brains are powerful tools that can be used to achieve great things. Think about it- everything we do as humans start as a thought. The greatest human achievements were only ideas before manifesting into a reality. This begs the question: can we think ourselves into a better life? Can our outlook on things really […]

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10 Ways to Improve Your Sleep

Sleep is vital for your mental and physical wellbeing. How well and how long you sleep will determine how productive you will be during the day. Though we are all wired differently, we can try some standard practices that enable us to sleep better. Here are ten ways to improve your sleep: Avoid long daytime […]

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7 Ways to Manage Anxiety

if you feel that you are starting to get anxious with what is happening, I can't blame you...

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55 Ways to Set the Stage for a Fantastic 2020

While some people like making New Year’s Resolutions...

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5 Signs It's Time to Leave Your Job

We’ve all heard the saying, “Do something you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”. While part of that is true, there are other things besides passion that you should have fulfilled in your professional career. For example, potential advancements and skill growth. Wanting to quit your job doesn’t […]

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How To Create A Key Documents Binder

A young friend of mine recently passed away and her poor parents were, in the midst of their crippling grief, completely incapable of accessing her documents and records. It was a not-so-gentle reminder that we all need to organize our key documents in such a way that we can find them when we need them. […]

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55 Ways to Spring Clean Your Life and Work

While some people like making New Year’s Resolutions, I love spring cleaning. There is something about putting away the winter clothes and opening up the house after a long winter that makes me feel fresh and new. That desire for renewal touches every aspect of my life, including work. Here are 50 ways to clear […]

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